Our work / Ta tatou mahi
Understanding the Hawke’s Bay Economy - 2024
HBREDA commissioned consultancies Infometrics and MartinJenkins to undertake analysis of the Hawke’s Bay economy. The following two reports summarise the findings of the analysis to date:
MartinJenkins: Understanding Opportunities and Challenges for the Hawke’s Bay Economy
December 2024
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Hawke’s Bay economy. It is intended to facilitate informed decision-making and strategic planning for driving economic growth and prosperity in the Hawke’s Bay region, underpinned by robust research, stakeholder engagement, and effective communication strategies. The key objectives of the study were to:
provide insights on the current state of the regional economy, trends and disparities
identify major challenges impacting on sectoral growth and competitiveness
explore opportunities for diversification, innovation and sustainable development - sectoral and cross-cutting.
MartinJenkins: Industry and Sector Analysis
September 2024
This report provides the data and analysis used to identify the region’s high performing and potential high performing industry areas.
Infometrics: Employment outlook for Hawke’s Bay TLAs
October 2024
This report provides an employment outlook by territorial authority based on industry trends and performance.
Infometrics: The HB economy - historical performance and trends
July 2024
This report provides a description of the Hawke’s Bay economy including its economic performance, productivity, population, wellbeing outcomes and the Māori and Pacific Peoples economies. It is desktop based and is a scene-setter for the subsequent consultation phase of the project in which challenges and opportunities for the region were identified.
Other research:
Changes to vocational and education training system
September 2024
HBREDA coordinated the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti regional submission onthe Government’s proposed changes to the vocational and education training system. There was broad regional support for the submission, which includes a call for the re-establishment of an independent Eastern Institute of Technology that meets the skills and qualifications needs of our businesses.
Telecommunications Resilience
July 2024
The Telecommunications Resilience Report was written by HBREDA consultant Jon Brewer to help the region understand what caused the breakdown of telecommunications in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle, and what needs to happen to ensure we do not find ourselves in the same situation.
Infometrics Report
March 2024
Infometrics provided a Quarterly Economic Monitor for the Hawke’s Bay region.