About us / Mo mate

Our vision is for a sustainable, accessible, and resilient Hawke’s Bay economy where every whānau and household benefits.

The Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Agency (HBREDA) was set up by our shareholders to secure better economic outcomes for our region. Our shareholders recognise that partnering is essential for success in Hawke’s Bay and that success looks like increasing the wellbeing of everyone who lives here. We support the region to:

  • work collaboratively to capture opportunities

  • address regional challenges

  • reduce inefficiencies and duplication

  • maximise investments

  • present a unified voice; and

  • most of all to champion positive economic and social outcomes for all whānau in Hawke’s Bay.  

HBREDA works for the benefit of the region as a whole. We are not here to replicate the roles of business or statutory authorities. We are here to connect the dots, provide good thinking, provoke, advocate, and ultimately act as a conscience for the region to ensure we are keeping our region’s vision at the forefront of the decisions that affect our regional economy.

We have an independent board that reports to the Matariki Governance Group, who represents our shareholders.

We have a small core team but a large network of experts that we call upon when we need them. Our work programme is agreed between our board and the Matariki Governance Group.